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Oxford Population Health MSc and DPhil students 2023
DPhil and MSc students 2023

The Oxford Population Health Research Student Committee (RSC) is led by research students, for research students. It is coordinated by volunteers from among the student body, is supported by the Graduate Studies Office and organises a broad range of activities.


Social activities

  • Termly socials – these vary each term but previous events have included meals out, bowling, afternoon tea, crazy golf and movie nights.

Academic and career activities

  • DPhil seminars – regular seminars, usually twice per term, at which one or two DPhil students present their research to students and staff from across the department.
  • Journal clubs – termly journal clubs led by academics from the department where key issues and papers which are making the headlines are discussed.
  • Academic talks – sessions on preparing for Transfer of Status, Confirmation of Status, and Examination, led by senior academic staff with experience in assessing and examining DPhil students.
  • Committee representation – student representatives sit on departmental and divisional committees to aid communication from the department and division to their fellow students, and to provide feedback from the student body.
  • Student representative meetings - termly meetings between the Research Student Group representatives and the Director and Deputy Director of Graduate Studies.

Student support

  • Buddying – provided by volunteers from amongst the existing student body for new DPhil students.
  • Peer supporters – students in the department who have received formal training to provide peer support, and to act as independent advisors.

Oxford Population Health student blog 

  • All graduate students in Oxford Population Health are encouraged to contribute to the student blog which covers a variety of topics ranging from viva tips and film reviews to conference reports.

Get involved

All Oxford Population Health DPhil students are encouraged to volunteer and get involved with the Research Student Committee activities. All suggestions are welcomed.


In addition to pastoral support provided by individual university colleges, the department is committed to supporting graduate students throughout their studies. The supervisor is the first point of contact for academic related matters. The Director for Graduate Studies offers advice and support where there may be a difference of opinion between supervisor and student. The Welfare Contact can help with signposting students towards suitable welfare support and contacts, such as college welfare teams, Student Welfare and Support Services and external agencies.

The department has trained student peer supporters who are available to talk to students about anything of concern.

Student Blog

From viva preparation to veganism, find out what our currents students have to say.