Examinations, assessments and feedback
Formative Assessments
In order to qualify for the award of the MSc all students must submit all formative assessments and show satisfactory engagement with formative aspects of the course. During the first two terms there are several formative assessments designed to enable teaching staff and students to monitor progress. Students are provided with feedback on these assessments to help them improve their learning by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Feedback will consist of in class sessions from module leads and teaching fellows, the return of annotated submissions and tutorial sessions in small tutor groups.
Summative Assessments
To pass the MSc, students must submit and complete eight assessments as follows:
- Principles of Statistics examination (10%)
- Principles of Epidemiology examination (10%)
- Data Analysis and Report (10%)
- Four Global Health Reports (30% total)
- Dissertation (40%)
The course is reviewed annually and is subject to minor changes in response to feedback and evaluation.