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Data access

Access data from our studies

We welcome requests from researchers who wish to access data from the department's major cohort studies, and aim to ensure that the information we have collected is used as widely as possible in order to maximise the value of these data for public health. Researchers may request access to raw data, summary tables and analyses that have not been released in publications or through online repositories. 

You may request access to data from one of the department's major cohort studies by following the links below. 

People queuing outside a health centre in China

China Kadoorie Biobank 

Baseline, re-survey and follow-up data from over 510,000 adults recruited from 10 geographically defined regions of China (demographics, socio-economic status, lifestyle, medical history and physical measurements).

Mexico City

Mexico City Prospective Study 

Baseline and linked cause-specific mortality data from nearly 160,000 middle-aged adults from Mexico City (lifestyle, disease history, and physical measurements).

Profile of middle-aged woman

The Million Women Study 

Baseline, re-survey and linked outcomes data from over 1.3 million women in the UK (demographics, lifestyle, wellbeing, social and occupational factors and dietary information).

We also welcome requests for access to data from the department's many other studies. Please browse our research pages and submit requests using this form.

Find out more about our approach to data access in our Data Access Policy page.