Data Access Policy: introduction
The aims of the Oxford Population Health (Nuffield Department of Population Health, ‘the department’) are:
- to study the major causes of morbidity and mortality, both in adults and in early life, by conducting high quality research that generates reliable results about the causes of, and treatments for, such diseases; and
- to provide high quality training in the methods of population health research, in particular by encouraging the use of the Department’s many large-scale data resources.
The Department welcomes data access requests that further these aims
The Department will make the data from its studies readily available to external researchers in accordance with the ‘Guidance on best practice in the management of research data’1, the UK Concordat on Open Research Data2, and the Expert Advisory Group on Data Access3. We aim to ensure that each individual data resource complies (wherever possible within legal and practical constraints) with the ‘FAIR principles’ that data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.4
The purpose of this over-arching Data Access Policy is twofold:
- to set out the high-level departmental strategy, as well as to outline general considerations which may be relevant to access to different data sets; and
- to outline approaches and considerations that the department’s investigators responsible for particular studies have taken into account when developing study-specific access policies and procedures. (For example, the arrangements for accessing data from the Department’s large cohort studies differ from those, such as meta-analyses of individual patient data from randomised trials, where study data cannot legally be shared.)
It covers access to raw data, summary tables and analyses which are not released in publications or online from all studies held by the department, regardless of the original study location or the source of funding. Access to data may be through provision of datasets, results resulting from analyses conducted de novo by the study team (eg tables or figures) or in collaboration with external researchers. It does not cover Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, data subject access requests under the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018, or requests for access to biosamples.
Data Access Policy v.2.1 published December 2024