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Despite the success of vaccines and antimicrobial treatments, infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year in people of all ages. Young children, and individuals living in low- and middle-income countries, are the most likely to die or suffer from infectious diseases. 

Research projects within the Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit (IDEU) focus on defining the global distribution of specific infectious diseases, investigating the processes which lead to infections, defining the best methods of disease prevention including vaccination, assessing antimicrobial treatments for major pathogens and the challenges of antimicrobial resistance, and defining associations between communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Our projects focus on a wide range of microbes and diseases and our research findings consistently have international impact. Investigators within IDEU translate their results into new approaches to diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention, and influence policy-making decisions, for example by advising the World Health Organization. 

Research projects led by IDEU investigators often involve many national and international collaborators for example the Global HIV Molecular Epidemiology Collaboration. These collaborations contribute significantly to the high-quality research outputs of the IDEU. We also focus on teaching and training the next generation of researchers through the departmental MSc course in Global Health Science and Epidemiology, student research projects, postgraduate study, and research fellowships. Please contact one of the team if you are interested in working with us.  

Our overall aim is to produce high-quality, internationally recognised research in infectious disease epidemiology, the findings of which are translated into improving the health of human populations across the globe.

Find out about the research on infectious diseases taking place across Oxford Population Health. 

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