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The entrance to the Exams school building

Formative Assessments

There will be one formative assessment each term (five in total across the two years) and students will receive individual written feedback from the module lead or tutor. Many of the assigned assessments will act as building blocks towards the summative assessments.

Summative Assessments

Year 1


End of Hilary Term

2500 word written critical appraisal (15%)

Long vacation Year 1

Written examination – 2.5 hours (20%)




Year 2


End of Michaelmas Term

2500 word essay (15%)

Trinity Term

10 minute PowerPoint presentation (10%)

Long vacation

Dissertation (40%)


All MSc students will submit a dissertation. This is a substantial piece of work and accounts for 40% of the total marks awarded for the MSc degree.

The aims of the dissertation are to demonstrate a full understanding of the process of planning and executing a clinical trial. The MSc dissertation will demonstrate the acquisition of core skills associated with the development of a clinical trial proposal and will be written in the form of a grant application.