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Louisa Gnatiuc Friedrichs


Senior Epidemiologist

With experience in acute medicine, epidemiology and public health in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America, Louisa is passionate about population health. Trained in epidemiology and population health at the University of Oxford and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, her primary interests include conventional and genetic determinants of vasculo-metabolic diseases, and novel disease models. Her work focuses on the effects of adiposity, diabetes and hypertension on premature cardiometabolic mortality in the Mexico City Prospective Study, the Prospective Studies Collaboration and the UK Biobank

Louisa is a member of the International Advisory Board for Lancet Global Health, a Nucleus Member of the European Society for Preventive Cardiology and an editor for the Global Heart Journal. She preserves a keen interest in teaching, research of under-studied populations where the burden of preventable vasculo-metabolic risk is increasing,and collaboration with multi-national research programs.

Her  expertise comprises design, conduct and analysis of large multi-centric surveys, cohort studies, biobanks, and follow-up through surveillance and vital registries. Previous roles involved coordination of  British,  European  and  global epidemiological studies with Imperial College London and the Medical Research Council, advisory for the Department of Health and Pharma.

Outside work, she likes arts, photography and world cuisines.

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