Dr Gracia Fellmeth
Gracia Fellmeth
Clinical Research Fellow
Gracia Fellmeth is a Clinical Research Fellow based in the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU). She currently holds a departmental Clinical Fellowship for research into perinatal depression and anxiety in women in India, working as part of the NPEU Maternal and Perinatal Health Research Collaboration, India (MaatHRI).
Gracia studied medicine and medical anthropology at University College London. After completing foundation training in clinical medicine, she undertook an MSc Public Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine followed by specialist training in Public Health in Oxford.
In 2018, Gracia obtained a DPhil in Population Health at Oxford Population Health focusing on perinatal depression among migrant and refugee women on the Thai-Myanmar border.
Recent publications
Antepartum depression among women attending antenatal care in the third trimester in Conakry, Guinea: Findings from the MISPOD study
Journal article
Asefa A. et al, (2025), Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 19
Public health, policy, and clinical interventions to improve perinatal care for migrant women and infants in high-income countries: a systematic review
Journal article
Stevenson K. et al, (2024), eClinicalMedicine, 78
Global contribution of suicide to maternal mortality: a systematic review protocol.
Journal article
Simmons E. et al, (2024), BMJ Open, 14
Comparison of scores on Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression - Depression subscale scores by administration mode: An individual participant data differential item functioning meta-analysis.
Journal article
Harel D. et al, (2024), J Affect Disord
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on postnatal anxiety and posttraumatic stress: Analysis of two population-based national maternity surveys in England.
Journal article
Harrison S. et al, (2024), J Affect Disord, 356, 122 - 136