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Phenome-wide association study on miRNA-related sequence variants: the UK Biobank.

Journal article

Mustafa R. et al, (2023), Hum Genomics, 17

Metabolome-wide association study on physical activity.

Journal article

Kojouri M. et al, (2023), Sci Rep, 13

Metabolome-wide association study on ABCA7 indicates a role of ceramide metabolism in Alzheimer's disease.

Journal article

Dehghan A. et al, (2022), Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119

Associations of Circulatory MicroRNAs and Clinical Traits: A Phenome-wide Mendelian Randomization Analysis

Conference paper

Mustafa R. et al, (2021), GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 45, 777 - 778

Identifying metabolomic fingerprints of microRNAs in cardiovascular disorders

Conference paper

Mustafa R. et al, (2020), EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, 28, 277 - 277

Metabolomic signatures of microRNAs in cardiovascular traits: A Mendelian randomization analysis

Conference paper

Mustafa R. et al, (2020), GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 44, 506 - 506

Stem cells for lupus nephritis: a concise review of current knowledge.

Journal article

Sattwika PD. et al, (2018), Lupus, 27, 1881 - 1897

An infectious way to teach students about outbreaks.

Journal article

Cremin Í. et al, (2018), Epidemics, 23, 42 - 48