Updating OMERACT Core Set of Domains for ANCA-Associated Vasculitis: Patient Perspective Using the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health.
Milman N., McConville E., Robson JC., Boonen A., Tugwell P., Wells GA., Chaudhuri D., Dawson J., Tomasson G., Ashdown S., Gebhart D., Lanier G., Peck J., McAlear CA., Kellom KS., Cronholm PF., Merkel PA.
OBJECTIVE: Aspects of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) prioritized by patients with AAV were described using the International Classification of Function, Disability, and Health. METHODS: Items identified during 14 individual interviews were incorporated into ICF-based questionnaire administered to participants of 2 vasculitis patient symposia, 36 in UK and 63 in USA. RESULTS: Categories identified as at least "moderately relevant" by ≥ 5% of subjects included 44 body functions, 14 body structures, 35 activities and participation, 31 environmental factors, and 38 personal factors. CONCLUSION: Identified categories differ from those captured by the current OMERACT core set and those prioritized by vasculitis experts.