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OBJECTIVE: The optimal practice management of highly febrile 1- to 3-month-old children without a focal source has been controversial. The release of a conjugate pneumococcal vaccine may reduce the rate of occult bacteremia and alter the utility of empiric testing. The objective of this study was to determine the cost-effectiveness of 3 different screening strategies of Serious Bacterial Infections (SBI) in Children Presenting with Fever without Source in Argentina. METHODS: Cost-effectiveness (CE) analysis was performed to compare the strategies of procalcitonin, C reactive protein and Rochester criteria. A hypothetical cohort of 10 000 children who were 1 to 3 months of age and had a fever of >39°C and no source of infection was modeled for each strategy. Our main outcome measure was incremental CE ratios. RESULTS: C reactive protein result in US$ 937 per correctly diagnosed cases of SBI. The additional cost per additional correct diagnosis using procalcitonin versus C reactive protein was U$6127 while Rochester criteria resulted dominated. CONCLUSIONS: C reactive protein is the strategy more cost-effective to detect SBI in children with Fever without Source in Argentina. Due to low proportion of correctly diagnosed cases (< 80%) of three tests in the literature and our study, however; an individualized approach for children with fever is still necessary to optimize diagnostic investigations and treatment in the different emergency care settings.

Original publication




Journal article


Value Health Reg Issues

Publication Date





375 - 380


Argentina, Bacterial, Infección en niños