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Dr Ruth Tunn

Dr Ruth Tunn

Ruth Tunn

BA, MSc, DPhil

Research Facilitator

Ruth joined the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU in April 2024 as a research facilitator. She supports the team through all stages of the research process, from horizon scanning for funding opportunities to facilitating dissemination. 

Before joining the NPEU, Ruth worked in the Centre for Statistics in Medicine/Oxford University Clinical Trials Research Unit as a research fellow on an MRC–NIHR-funded project to update the CONSORT and SPIRIT guidelines for reporting randomised trials and their protocols.

Prior to this, she spent seven years in Japan working as a senior editor and project manager in the researcher services industry, helping non-native English speaking academics and clinicians to publish and disseminate their research. 

Ruth holds a BA in Physiology a DPhil in Pharmacology from the University of Oxford, and an MSc in Clinical Trials from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.