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Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) is a powerful analytical tool for both nontargeted and targeted analyses. However, there is a need for more integrated workflows for processing and managing the resultant high-complexity datasets. End-to-end workflows for processing GC×GC data are challenging and often require multiple tools or software to process a single dataset. We describe a new approach, which uses an existing underutilized interface within commercial software to integrate free and open-source/external scripts and tools, tailoring the workflow to the needs of the individual researcher within a single software environment. To demonstrate the concept, the interface was successfully used to complete a first-pass alignment on a large-scale GC×GC metabolomics dataset. The analysis was performed by interfacing bespoke and published external algorithms within a commercial software environment to automatically correct the variation in retention times captured by a routine reference standard. Variation in 1tR and 2tR was reduced on average from 8 and 16% CV prealignment to less than 1 and 2% post alignment, respectively. The interface enables automation and creation of new functions and increases the interconnectivity between chemometric tools, providing a window for integrating data-processing software with larger informatics-based data management platforms.

Original publication




Journal article


Anal Chem

Publication Date





13953 - 13960


Algorithms, Automation, Chromatography, Gas, Metabolomics, Software