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Effective surveillance is key to understanding and managing the impact of healthcare associated infections. In England, data is collected locally for specific organisms subject to mandatory surveillance, then submitted to a central database (HCAI-DCS). This takes considerable time from infection prevention and control staff. Whilst huge amounts of routine electronic data is collected on patients locally, automated processes for submitting, linking and using this data for surveillance, and associated epidemiology, are rare. However, implementing central surveillance systems raises several challenges which will be discussed.


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Forthcoming events

Festival of Global Health - The Silent Pandemic

Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 4pm to 8pm @ Curzon Oxford, Westgate Shopping Centre, Oxford OX1 1NZ

The impact of host and virus genetic variation on HCV infection outcome

Monday, 20 May 2024, 1pm to 2pm @ BDI/OxPop Building LG seminar rooms

Festival of Global Health - Survivors

Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 4pm to 8pm @ Curzon Oxford, Westgate Shopping Centre, Oxford OX1 1NZ