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MSc in Global Health Science and Epidemiology course directors and admin team © Keiko Ikeuchi
L to R: Hubert Lam, Jennifer Carter, Zera Lam, Elinor Smith, Dasha Sokolovskaya


Elinor Smith – Graduate Studies Manager

Alison Crompton – Clinical Course Administrator

Sarah Armstrong – Administrative Officer, MSc Clinical Trials

Marie-Alice Frappat – Administrative Officer, Postgraduate Research Programmes

Dasha Sokolovskaya – Administrative Officer, MSc Global Health Science and Epidemiology

Zera Lam – Administrative Assistant, MSc Global Health Science and Epidemiology


Please contact us at:

Nuffield Department of Population Health

University of Oxford

Room L1/24, Richard Doll Building, Roosevelt Drive

Old Road Campus


Oxford OX3 7LF


Telephone: +44 (0)1865 743742
