Sophie Hyndman
Deputy Director of the NIHR Research Support Service Hub delivered by the University of Southampton and Partners and Senior Research Advisor
Sophie Hyndman graduated with a degree in Human Sciences from the University of Oxford, after which she undertook a PhD at Queen Mary College, University of London, on the effects of damp housing on health. Subsequently, she worked in health services research at the Royal College of Nursing and then the University of Cambridge Health Services Research Group, where she was a research associate, then a senior research associate.
She was instrumental in the setting up of the Oxford Research Development Support Group in 1997, and remained the co-ordinator of the various incarnations of this group until 2009, when the Research Design Service South Central (RDS SC) was set up. Sophie was the deputy director of RDS SC from October 2018 to September 2023, as well as being a senior research advisor since it was set up in 2009. She is now the deputy director of the NIHR Research Support Service Hub delivered by the University of Southampton and partners.
Recent publications
An epidemiological study of the relative importance of damp housing in relation to adult health.
Journal article
Evans J. et al, (2000), J Epidemiol Community Health, 54, 677 - 686
A comparison between trap and flotation methods of sampling in quantifying mite exposure
Journal article
Htut T. et al, (1998), Thorax, 53
Sex differences in the use of asthma drugs: cross sectional study.
Journal article
Sexton M. et al, (1998), BMJ, 317, 1434 - 1437
The association of nocturnal asthma with asthma severity.
Journal article
Fix A. et al, (1997), J Asthma, 34, 329 - 336
Rates of admission to hospital for asthma.
Journal article
Hyndman SJ. et al, (1994), BMJ, 308, 1596 - 1600