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Dr Larissa Ange Tchuisseu Kwangoua

Dr Larissa Ange Tchuisseu Kwangoua

Larissa Ange Tchuisseu Kwangoua

DPhil Student

Ange started her DPhil in Population Health in October 2023. She is affiliated with Wolfson College and supervised by Professor Jemma Hopewell and Professor Barbara Casadei. Her research aims to investigate the association and causal relevance of type 2 diabetes-associated proteins to atrial fibrillation and assess the causal relevance of specific type 2 diabetes pathways in atrial fibrillation using the UK Biobank.

Ange’s research interest lies in genetic epidemiology and using omics data-driven approach to decipher the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases. Her ultimate goal is to establish a research centre in Africa, in collaboration with Oxford Population Health, with the mission of accelerating the identification of key genetic determinants of cardiovascular diseases on the continent and developing a training programme for the next generation of African clinicians and researchers.

Ange holds a medical doctor degree (Distinction, 2020) from the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - University of Yaoundé I - where her MD thesis focused on stroke in people living with HIV. After graduation, she worked as a general practitioner for a year in Cameroon.

In 2021, she received a Commonwealth Shared scholarship to study an MSc Genomics (Merit) at the University of Southampton.

Prior to joining the Oxford Population Health doctoral programme, Ange was a Genetic Epidemiology Research Intern within the Hopewell group. During her internship, she worked on a phenotyping algorithm for diabetes using information from various datasets including UK Biobank, Primary Care, and Hospital Episodes Statistics. She continues to collaborate on numerous projects on cardiovascular diseases in Cameroon.