Associate Professor Claire Carson
Contact information
+44 (0)1865 289755
L0/32, NPEU, Richard Doll Building
Claire Carson
BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor in Epidemiology
- MRC Career Development Fellow
Claire Carson is an Associate Professor in Epidemiology, based in the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU). She has training in both quantitative and qualitative methods, and specialises in the analysis of observational and routine data. Her research interests include infertility and fertility treatment, preterm birth, and breastfeeding.
Claire also supervises DPhil students, and enjoys teaching. She is a co-lead for the Maternal and Child Health module in the MSc Global Health Science and Epidemiology, and currently contributes to the Principles of Epidemiology and Statistics modules.
Claire joined the NPEU in 2008 to work on a project exploring health outcomes of children born after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) using data from the Millennium Cohort Study. She now holds an MRC Career Development Award to investigate the longer-term outcomes of fertility treatment in women and their children using record linkage. She is also a co-investigator in the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Maternal and Neonatal Health and Care, leading work on preconception health.
Prior to joining the University of Oxford, Claire was a Research Fellow at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, where she also completed an MSc and then a PhD in Epidemiology.
Recent publications
Associations between maternal body mass index and childhood infections in UK primary care: findings from the Born in Bradford birth cohort study.
Journal article
Coathup V. et al, (2024), Arch Dis Child
Do various types of prelacteal feeding (PLF) have different associations with breastfeeding duration in Indonesia? A cross-sectional study using Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey datasets.
Journal article
Rahmartani LD. et al, (2024), BMJ Glob Health, 9
Ethnic inequities in 6-8 week baby check coverage in England 2006-2021: a cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.
Journal article
Zhang CX. et al, (2024), Br J Gen Pract
Anxiety in couples undergoing IVF: evidence from E-Freeze randomised controlled trial.
Journal article
Li Y. et al, (2024), Hum Reprod Open, 2024
Long-term healthcare utilization and costs of babies born after assisted reproductive technologies (ART): a record linkage study with 10-years' follow-up in England.
Journal article
Hua X. et al, (2023), Hum Reprod, 38, 2507 - 2515