Measurement of jet substructure observables in t t events from proton-proton collisions at s =13 TeV MEASUREMENT of JET SUBSTRUCTURE OBSERVABLES ... A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.
Sirunyan AM., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Asilar E., Bergauer T., Brandstetter J., Brondolin E., Dragicevic M., Erö J., Escalante Del Valle A., Flechl M., Frühwirth R., Ghete VM., Hrubec J., Jeitler M., Krammer N., Krätschmer I., Liko D., Madlener T., Mikulec I., Rad N., Rohringer H., Schieck J., Schöfbeck R., Spanring M., Spitzbart D., Taurok A., Waltenberger W., Wittmann J., Wulz CE., Zarucki M., Chekhovsky V., Mossolov V., Suarez Gonzalez J., De Wolf EA., Di Croce D., Janssen X., Lauwers J., Pieters M., Van De Klundert M., Van Haevermaet H., Van Mechelen P., Van Remortel N., Abu Zeid S., Blekman F., D'Hondt J., De Bruyn I., De Clercq J., Deroover K., Flouris G., Lontkovskyi D., Lowette S., Marchesini I., Moortgat S., Moreels L., Python Q., Skovpen K., Tavernier S., Van Doninck W., Van Mulders P., Van Parijs I., Beghin D., Bilin B., Brun H., Clerbaux B., De Lentdecker G., Delannoy H., Dorney B., Fasanella G., Favart L., Goldouzian R., Grebenyuk A., Kalsi AK., Lenzi T., Luetic J., Postiau N., Starling E., Thomas L., Vander Velde C., Vanlaer P., Vannerom D., Wang Q., Cornelis T., Dobur D., Fagot A., Gul M., Khvastunov I., Poyraz D., Roskas C., Trocino D., Tytgat M., Verbeke W., Vermassen B., Vit M., Zaganidis N., Bakhshiansohi H., Bondu O., Brochet S., Bruno G.
© 2018 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration. Published by the American Physical Society. A measurement of jet substructure observables is presented using tt events in the lepton+jets channel from proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb-1. Multiple jet substructure observables are measured for jets identified as bottom, light-quark, and gluon jets, as well as for inclusive jets (no flavor information). The results are unfolded to the particle level and compared to next-to-leading-order predictions from powheg interfaced with the parton shower generators pythia 8 and herwig 7, as well as from sherpa 2 and Dire 2. A value of the strong coupling at the Z boson mass, αS(mZ)=0.115-0.013+0.015, is extracted from the substructure data at leading-order plus leading-log accuracy.