Erratum: Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (The Lancet (2017) 390(10100) (1423–1459) (S014067361732336X) (10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32336-X))
Fullman N., Barber RM., Abajobir AA., Abate KH., Abbafati C., Abbas KM., Abd-Allah F., Abdulkader RS., Abdulle AM., Abera SF., Aboyans V., Abu-Raddad LJ., Abu-Rmeileh NME., Adedeji IA., Adetokunboh O., Afshin A., Agrawal A., Agrawal S., Ahmad Kiadaliri A., Ahmadieh H., Ahmed MB., Aichour MTE., Aichour AN., Aichour I., Aiyar S., Akinyemi RO., Akseer N., Al-Aly Z., Alam K., Alam N., Alasfoor D., Alene KA., Alizadeh-Navaei R., Alkerwi A., Alla F., Allebeck P., Allen C., Al-Raddadi R., Alsharif U., Altirkawi KA., Alvis-Guzman N., Amare AT., Amini E., Ammar W., Ansari H., Antonio CAT., Anwari P., Arora M., Artaman A., Aryal KK., Asayesh H., Asgedom SW., Assadi R., Atey TM., Atre SR., Avila-Burgos L., Avokpaho EFGA., Awasthi A., Azzopardi P., Bacha U., Badawi A., Balakrishnan K., Bannick MS., Barac A., Barker-Collo SL., Bärnighausen T., Barrero LH., Basu S., Battle KE., Baune BT., Beardsley J., Bedi N., Beghi E., Béjot Y., Bell ML., Bennett DA., Bennett JR., Bensenor IM., Berhane A., Berhe DF., Bernabé E., Betsu BD., Beuran M., Beyene AS., Bhala N., Bhansali A., Bhatt S., Bhutta ZA., Bicer BK., Bidgoli HH., Bikbov B., Bilal AI., Birungi C., Biryukov S., Bizuayehu HM., Blosser CD., Boneya DJ., Bose D., Bou-Orm IR., Brauer M.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd GBD 2016 SDG Collaborators. Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet 2017; 390: 1423–59—The full-text version of this Article has been updated so that the list of authors is displayed in the correct order, in line with the pdf version, rather than in alphabetical order. This correction has been made to the online version as of Oct 12, 2017.