Corrigendum to “Mixed methods feasibility study for the surviving opioid overdose with naloxone education and resuscitation (SOONER) trial” [Resuscitation Plus 6 (2021) 100131](S2666520421000564)(10.1016/j.resplu.2021.100131)
Orkin AM., Charles M., Norris K., Thomas R., Chapman L., Wright A., Campbell DM., Handford C., Klaiman M., Hopkins S., Shahin R., Thorpe K., Juni P., Parsons J., Sellen K., Goso N., Hunt R., Leece P., Morrison LJ., Stergiopoulos V., Turner S., Strike C.
The authors regret to inform that we have identified a computational error in our recent publication, “Mixed methods feasibility study for the Surviving Opioid Overdose with Naloxone Education and Resuscitation (SOONER) Trial”. This error was identified in the process of preparing another manuscript arising from the same study, which used similar statistical coding. In brief, our statistical team identified that there was a coding error in R involving the labelling of categorical variables. The issue has now been corrected. Our clinical trials unit has responded to this error by initiating a thorough investigation and quality assurance process including a root-cause analysis to determine how this occurred and ensure that this kind of error does not recur. In addition, all other analyses and reported statistics in this paper have been reviewed by an independent senior statistician to ensure that they are correct. The error identified affects Table 2 and Table 3 of the published manuscript. Revised versions of these tables are appended below. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.