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Patient and public involvement

members of Oxford Population Health Public Advisory Panel at autumn 2022 meeting

current projects

Some of our clinical trials and projects have their own Public Advisory Groups to better reflect the views of communities that will be directly affected by the research. For example, we have dedicated advisory groups for the RECOVERY trial and the ASCEND PLUS trial. We are currently looking for people interested in being part of a new project to transform our understanding of the demand for health and social care.

To get involved with our research, please get in touch with us by email or call 01865 617931.


Patient and public involvement (PPI) in health and social care refers to research that is carried out with or by members of the public, rather than to, about or for them. PPI improves research and can help to achieve better outcomes for patients.

We use these definitions to distinguish between three distinct but overlapping areas of activity:

  • involvement – where members of the public are actively involved in research projects and research organisations
  • engagement – where information and knowledge about research is provided and disseminated
  • participation – where people take part in a research study.

our public advisory panel

Consulting a public advisory group can help those leading clinical trials in various ways, for instance in reviewing information designed for participants.

Public contributors offer valuable insights to the researchers and studies in which they are involved. Our Public Advisory Panel provides advice and guidance on the department’s research from initial study proposals to ways in which research findings may be used to influence policy and improve health. By including people who have been research participants and those new to research the panel provides a variety of perspectives.

Panel members may be asked to provide feedback, advice and opinions by email, via conference calls or at occasional face-to-face meetings. They can choose which requests to respond to according to availability and interests.

As a panel member you may:

  • review the content and language used in questionnaires and information leaflets for people interested in becoming research study participants
  • help to ensure that proposed research methods are acceptable to potential participants
  • comment on research proposals
  • advise on ways to increase participation in research
  • suggest ways to engage the public around research results.

The listening series project

The Listening Series project aimed to support researchers to engage and involve people who are currently under-represented in health research. 20 people representing a wide range of social and ethnic communities in the UK took part in discussions to share their ideas and experiences. The discussions are captured in this film.

You can also read the commentary paper for this project published at the BMC Research Involvement and Engagement journal.