RICHARD DOLL SEMINAR: Bad Science, AllTrials and Big Data
Dr Ben Goldacre, Department of Primary Care Health Services, University of Oxford
Tuesday, 20 October 2015, 1pm to 2pm
Lecture Theatre, Richard Doll Bldg., Old Road Campus
Research Fellow in Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and
Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
Ben Goldacre is a doctor, academic, campaigner and writer whose work focuses on uses and misuses of science and statistics by journalists, politicians, drug companies and quacks. His first book, Bad Science, reached #1 in the UK non-fiction charts and has sold over half a million copies worldwide. His second book, Bad Pharma, discusses problems in medicine, focusing on missing trials, badly designed research, and biased dissemination of evidence. His third is a collection of columns and papers. He wrote the Bad Science column for a decade in the UK Guardian, and has written for the Times, the Telegraph, the Mail, the New York Times, the BMJ, and more, alongside presenting documentaries for the BBC, and appearing regularly on radio and TV.
In policy work, he is co-author of a 2012 UK government Cabinet Office paper on getting more randomised controlled trials on policy questions; conducted an independent external review in 2012 for the Department For Education on how to improve the use of evidence in teaching; and is co-founder of AllTrials, a campaign by doctors, academics, funders, pharmacists, professional bodies, patients and the public, to prevent trial results being withheld. His non-profit company Better Data has built Randomise Me, an open trials platform for the general public; he is PI on OpenTrials, a linked database on clinical trials; and he has worked on various health IT projects such as and
His blog is at and he is @bengoldacre on twitter.