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Rebecca HardyRebecca Hardy

Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics

MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at University College London


Rebecca Hardy is a Programme Leader at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at University College London, and Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics. She leads an MRC-funded research programme aiming to investigate the life course risk factors which influence cardiovascular ageing.

Her research primarily uses the MRC National Survey of Health and Development, a birth cohort study of individuals born in 1946 in Britain, and followed up ever since.  She has particular interests in the long-term influences on health of prenatal, postnatal and pubertal growth, life course blood pressure trajectories and, in women, life course reproductive characteristics such as menarche and menopause.

Rebecca is also interested in the methodology for the analysis of life course data and for cross-cohort comparisons. She has played a major role in three large cross-cohort collaborative projects: CLOSER, HALCyon, and FALCon.


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Forthcoming events

Amounts, patterns, and micropatterns of physical activity for health: transitioning to wearables data-based guidelines & interventions

Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 1pm to 2pm @ Richard Doll Lecture Theatre, Richard Doll Building, Old Road Campus, Headington, OX3 7LF

HIV and mpox: where are we in 2024?

Tuesday, 29 October 2024, 1pm to 2pm @ Richard Doll Lecture Theatre, Richard Doll Building, Old Road Campus, Headington, OX3 7LF

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in people with HIV: causes and consequences

Monday, 04 November 2024, 1pm to 2pm @ BDI/OxPop Building LG seminar room

Changing the face of trials of medical procedures

Tuesday, 05 November 2024, 1pm to 2pm @ Richard Doll Lecture Theatre, Richard Doll Building, Old Road Campus, Headington, OX3 7LF