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technician in a laboratory.

Module leads

 BSc, MSc, DPhil Naomi Allen - Professor in EpidemiologyNaomi Allen

MA, MBBS, MD, FRCP, FERA Will Herrington - Professor of Trials and Epidemiology of Kidney Disease, Renal Studies GroupWill Herrington

Learning objectives:

  • To appreciate the range of routine healthcare data available for population health research
  • To appreciate the technical aspects of record linkage, data processing, outcome phenotyping and statistical analysis of linked data
  • To be able to incorporate routine healthcare data into the design of large-scale epidemiological studies


  1. Exploiting new technologies for large-scale health research
  2. Record linkage and data processing
  3. Practical issues in the analysis of electronic medical records and other linked data
  4. Generating information on phenotype
  5. The use of routine data for efficient randomised trials
  6. Consolidation