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Module leads

BA, MSc, PhD Jonathan Emberson - Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology Jonathan Emberson

DM, MRCP Richard Haynes - Professor of Renal Medicine and Clinical Trials Richard Haynes

Learning objective:

  • To understand and explain the design, conduct and statistical analysis of clinical trials and meta-analyses
  • To be able to critically appraise publications (including protocols) related to these types of studies


  1. Large scale randomised evidence
  2. Trial design and conduct
  3. Statistical methods for the analysis of clinical trials
  4. Clinical trials: safety and regulation
  5. Meta-analysis of randomised trials: methods and interpretation
  6. Review study designs for practical
  7. Critical appraisal of systematic reviews
  8. Module practical session
  9. Meta-analyses of observational studies
  10. Meta-analyses of observational studies