Founded in 1991
International collaborations
Widely used outcome measures
HSRU supports a programme of research that enables the development of an effective Health Service, which delivers the best possible health to the greatest number of people.
There are two strands to our work:
- To undertake research on patient outcomes and experiences of health services and specific interventions. This part of the Unit's activity is achieved primarily through the award of project grants from the NHS and from other organisations which support health services research, but postgraduate students and health professionals employed by the NHS also make an important contribution.
- To increase research capacity locally. This is achieved by offering research advice and support, by training and mentoring health professionals who want to develop research skills, experience and qualifications and by collaborating with clinicians on intervention studies.
We run an associate membership scheme which has enabled several clinicians to develop proposals for long term research support and training. The unit plays an important role in the development and testing of health outcome measures in the UK. This enables the rigorous evaluation of health service interventions. We also support research at national level by contributing to steering groups for research projects based in other UK universities, and to NHS and Department of Health research committees.