Paul Sherliker
Paul Sherliker
Statistical Programmer
Recent publications
Cohort Profile: Indian Study of Healthy Ageing (ISHA- Barshi)
Journal article
BRAGG F. et al, (2024), International Journal of Epidemiology
Body-mass index, blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular mortality in Cuba: prospective study of 146,556 participants.
Journal article
Armas Rojas NB. et al, (2021), BMC Public Health, 21
Alcohol consumption and cause-specific mortality in Cuba: prospective study of 120 623 adults.
Journal article
Armas Rojas NB. et al, (2021), EClinicalMedicine, 33
Detection of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis in Patients with Lower Extremity Arterial Disease: development and external validations of a risk score
Journal article
BULBULIA R. et al, (2021), British Journal of Surgery
Utility of risk prediction models to detect atrial fibrillation in screened participants
Journal article
Poorthuis MHF. et al, (2020), European Journal of Preventive Cardiology