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Question 13: Does it describe how the treatment choices affect overall quality of life?

What the question is about and why it is important

A good quality publication will include a description of the broader aspects of treatment choices - not just risks and benefits, but the overall impact of a treatment choice or choices on day-to-day living. This question is important because a treatment choice may involve major changes in lifestyle or circumstances or have important effects on those close to you that you need to be aware of and consider before making a decision.

Rating the question

This question is only concerned with the treatment choices outlined in the publication. No treatment options are included as a treatment choice for this question if Question 12 was rated above 1.

Guidelines for rating the question:

  • 5: Yes - the publication includes a clear reference to overall quality of life in relation to any of the treatment choices mentioned.

  • 2 - 4: Partially - the publication includes a reference to overall quality of life in relation to treatment choices, but the information is unclear or incomplete.

  • 1: No - there is no reference to overall quality of life in relation to treatment choices.


5 rating:

‘Patients are monitored continuously in hospital for a week before the procedure is carried out, and recovery time can vary from several days to several weeks. If you are undergoing this form of treatment, you may need to take a lot of time off work and to have someone to care for you when you come home.’

‘Because Treatment X is normally given as a course of injections, you will need to visit your GP’s surgery daily throughout the weeks of treatment. As there is a slight risk of fainting during the initial stages of treatment, you need to ensure that your family and work mates are able to look out for you, and you will not be able to drive or operate heavy machinery.’

‘You may feel depressed and confused for a while following surgery. You may feel that you are not the same person and that you can no longer achieve or enjoy the things you used to. Take time to adjust to your new physique and to get used to a few limitations on your physical activity.’