Adjuvant chemotherapy for rectal cancer: Comparative analysis of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Project reference number - 0064
Principal Investigator - Amy Downing, University of Leeds
Plain language summary - It is known that giving some patients chemotherapy after surgery improves survival from colon cancer, however, it is not clear whether the same is true for rectal cancer. Use of chemotherapy after surgery for rectal cancer varies across different countries. In the UK, chemotherapy is commonly used, whereas in the Netherlands chemotherapy is rarely used. In this study we will compare the use of chemotherapy after surgery for rectal cancer across England, Scotland and the Netherlands. We will look at survival time in the patients who do and do not have chemotherapy and see whether there are any differences. Finally, we will look at which factors are linked with any survival differences, for example do younger patients see more of a survival benefit from chemotherapy or does the type of chemotherapy given affect survival.